Getting more kids on bikes.

A bicycle can change lives
We believe a bike can break down barriers, bring communities together, and get kids active again. All kids should get to experience the joy and freedom of riding and owning a bike. Watch the video below to see how we’re working to address socioeconomic disparities and get every kid on a bike.
How we roll
Kids on Bikes is creating a sustainable and vibrant ecosystem of bicycling opportunities throughout the year. All our efforts (and that means YOU) create access to bikes, opportunities to ride, and bicycling education.

Earn-a-bike, safety and more
After school programming at schools, community centers, safety presentations and more. Youth learn basic riding skills, bike maintenance, and how to ride in their community safely.

Pedal Station
Used bikes, used bike parts, classes and more!
The Pedal Station Community Bike Shop is a social enterprise of Kids on Bikes which enables us to expand programming, create more sustainability, and offer a vast amount of volunteer opportunities all year long.

Kids Bike Camps
Summer camps for kids of all ages
Our summer bike camps offer kids the opportunity to develop overall bicycling and mountain bike skills, see a variety of terrain, explore local trail systems, and cultivate a love for bicycling.

Community events
Neighborhood rides, clinics and family fun
Building community through sharing the activity of bicycling and community centered events.
A simple solution to complex problems
We have continued to be innovative in addressing all the barriers to bicycling that keep children from living to their full potential.
Every area of focus has been carefully designed to work with one another to build and strengthen communities.
Develop bicycling skills and trail etiquette while enjoying the great outdoors.
Pedal Station
A social enterprise that refurbishes bikes and serves as a community bike center.
After-school educational riding clubs with the opportunity to earn a bike
Our volunteers fix bikes, run programs, lead rides, and help run camps.
Community Partnerships
Our partnerships with our community empower us to create well-informed, meaningful change in our community.
We provide opportunities to ride bikes and engage with the community.
Empowering Kids
Access to bikes, Opportunities to Ride, and Bicycling Education.
Access To bikes
Pedal Station Community Bike Center, bike libraries, earn-a-bike programs and bike nominations.
We need YOUR help to keep kids rollin'
Grab that bike in your garage, grab a wrench, or simply stop by and pick up some merch.
Drop By
The best way to see more of what we’re doing is to come by the Pedal Station or join us on one of our Popsicle Bridge group rides.
Share your passion and energy with us. Whether you’re great at biking, community service or bike repair, we can find the perfect fit for you.
Any and all bicycles and bicycling related donations help us further our mission.
Our positive impact in the community
We work directly with neighborhoods and partners to understand their needs. According to the National Institute for Social Impact, we know that for every $1 donated, $2.72 goes back out to the community*.