give your time
Be a part of making a child’s dream come true and have fun by volunteering with Kids on Bikes.
Ongoing volunteer positions

Bike Ambassador
Help us bring the joy and freedom of bicycling to all kids in Colorado Springs! Bike Ambassadors have the opportunity to represent Kids on Bikes out in the community through one of our many earn-a-bike/bike club programs, bike safety presentations, various family rides, and bike rodeos. With your help, we can reach even more kids and get more bikes back into the community! Email:

Bike Mechanic
This is a small pool of people, passionate about Kids on Bikes Mission and have strong bike mechanic skills. Must be 15+ years old
Join our Bi-Monthly Intro to Volunteering at the Pedal Station classes:
Family PopCycle Ride Leader
Every summer we offer a weekly family ride with popsicles! The ride starts at America the Beautiful Park every Sunday from June-August starting at 1:00 PM. We look for ride leaders who will commit to leading or sweeping one ride per month. We are also hoping to expand to new locations so if you live in a different area of town and would like to start a PopCycle Ride, let us know!
Follow link to volunteer:
Volunteer form
We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.