
How We Fulfill our Mission

It’s more than just a bike, it’s a tool for health, freedom, joy and connection.  

Earn-a-bike programs:

Deerfield Community Center

Hillside Community Center

Meadows Park Community Center

Bigs and Littles

Fountain BMX

Atlas Prep

Bristol Elementary

Carver Elementary

Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind

Jack Swigert Aerospace Academy

Howbert Elementary

Manitou Springs Middle

Martinez Elementary

Midland Elementary

North Middle School

Oak Creek Elementary

Orton Academy

Queen Palmer Elementary

Roosevelt Charter Academy

Sand Creek International

Trailblazers Elementary

Turman Elementary

West Elementary

Wilson Elementary

Access To Bikes

Kids on Bikes has found that in some of our neighborhoods, only 30% of kids have access to a bicycle ready to ride. 

Through our programs we offer quality refurbished bikes from the Pedal Station.

Opportunities to Ride

Over 58% of El Paso County children get less than 60 min of physical activity daily. -Colorado Health Department. 

-We train and equip local leaders to get more kids out more often by bicycle.  

-We aim to create a city where the future generations ride bikes as frequently as possible.

Bicycling Education

Only 13% of Colorado kids walk or bike to school, compared to nearly 50% of kids thirty years ago.  In that time, childhood obesity grew 300%. -2015 Colorado Health Report Card

-Education is empowering. Through education, kids become stewards of their own bike and personal health.  

-Ongoing education further empowers kids and their families to ride bikes safely, frequently, and with as much confidence as possible.

Bike Libraries

Bike Libraries are re-purposed shipping containers that become mini “bike hubs” complete with refurbished bikes, basic tools, parts, and helmets. Bike Libraries are established through long-term collaboration partnerships. Our partners use the Bike Libraries to run bike programming that suits their needs, offers the opportunities for youth to earn their own bike, and otherwise provide ongoing access to bicycles!

Why We Care

Program Outcomes

Health and Safety

Screen Time


Daily Activity

We need your help

Help us bring the joy and freedom of bicycling to all kids in Colorado Springs! We need volunteers to help support our community programs in schools and other partner programs.  With your help, we can reach even more kids and get more bikes back into the community!  

We’ve Moved!.
Come visit us at our new Pedal Station location:
2222 Bott Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80904
We are open every day from 11am-6pm.
Donate a bike, buy a bike or volunteer with us.
For more information email: