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Get Outdoors Day
June 3, 2023
Hosted by Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the City of Colorado Springs, and Pikes
Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance, Get Outdoors Day is an annual event for kids
and families to engage with vendors and learn about ways to explore our great
outdoors. The annual event is held the first Saturday in June at Memorial Park
Prospect Lake. Get Outdoors Day features a variety of outdoor businesses and
nonprofit agencies ready to introduce kids and their families to outdoor activities
here in the Pikes Peak Region. In previous years, visitors have explored outdoor
activities such as biking, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, y shing, spin
fishing, mapping, shooting, and more! Get Outdoors Day offers the opportunity to
learn about trail maintenance and projects, conservation, and the Leave No Trace
principles. The goal of Get Outdoors Day is to connect people to the great
outdoor recreation opportunities that we have in the local Pikes Peak Region and
to provide the opportunity to learn a new hobby, practice a new trade, or learn
about opportunities to connect with and conserve our outdoor spaces